Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Is the Bridge to my own power
I must translate
My own fears
My own weaknesses I must be the bridge to nowhere
But my true self
And then
I will be useful.
its almost 9 am here and i look out the window, the sky is so dark and the rain is pouring. i listen to the sound of the rain, it feels like music. music played by God. the sound of water pouring down really soothes me but the sound of grumbling in the sky scares me. it seems like God is mad at us humans who sometimes forget that He is there. humans to busy with their own live without thinking about the one that creates them and gave us this world. just like what William Wordsworth said, those who are against nature become selfish. human should see the world more. just like what i am doing now. watching the rain that wets the earth and starts a beginning of a new life. seeds starts to grow and eventually grow into a tree. from a tree we can get fruits and inside those fruits there are seeds ready to be planted and begin their own lives.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Love is..
Monday, March 22, 2010
Social Networks That I've used and still using now

Monday, March 8, 2010
Disaster all over the world
I don’t if it’s only me, but do you realize that there is disaster happening all over the world?? The cause of this is because of humans themselves who can’t take care of their own world!! Most people only think about themselves without thinking the affect of what they’ve done, one situation that pictures this situation is those people who build high stories buildings by cutting out all the forests. Don’t you people realize that most of the disaster that happened today is mostly because of you!!
After a few weeks of watching TV, I saw many floods happening in many places, in my opinion I think global warming also take part in this situation, the theory that the earth’s atmosphere traps heat near the earth, which slowly warming the earth. This green house effect may have heated the ocean in our earth causing it to evaporate faster. More water vapor means more rain that is produced and massive rains can cause flood especially when there are not many trees on the ground to absorb those water. Many people suffer or even died because of these flood.
Even though these disaster happened in many places in the world, those people still cut down forest and plans to build more and more buildings. Not only cutting down trees, but clogging the rivers with rubbish can also cause floods. if you want to save the earth, then start from a small thing such as throw your rubbish in the bin. Besides preventing floods, it can also prevent diseases to spread everywhere –as some people depend on rivers for source of water- which can cause serious problems such as diarrhea, typhus and other diseases which ,if not treated properly, will lead to death.

I just want to say to every one out there, if you want to prevent these things to happen, then please stop destroying our earth before its too late.