Friday, January 30, 2009

English Department goes to Jakarta

" Jam 2 kumpul!!!! jam setengah 3 brangkat...kalo jam segitu belum dateng ditinggal!!!" itu lah kata2 yang keluar dari salah satu panitia.
Tapi karena budaya orang Indonesia tu ngaret,,,,jadinya ya brangkat sekitar jam 4an. Perjalanan ke Jakarta pertamanya seru, ada yang gitar sambil nyanyi2, pokoknya penuh canda tawa d,,,n berhubung bis ga ada kamar mandinya, jd kita sering brenti di pom bensin wat numpang kamar mandi.
Setelah sore berganti malam, AC bis jadi terasa dingiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin banget sampai buat badan menggigil, o ya kita tidak di sediakan selimut,jadi ya hasilnya aq mrungel di kursi, pake jaket and kaos kaki,itupun masi menggigil. Perjalanan pun makin parah......hasilnya..........JACKPOT!!!!
bukan aq si yang jackpot, dan untungnya juga bukan sebelah quw, tapi justru co2 yang du2k di blakang yang muntah2.....beuh bisa kebayang g baunya kyk ap????Ce yang du2k di seberang kanan quw ketularan juga akhirnya, dan parahnya dia ga brenti2 muntah sampai wisma tempat penginapan kita. Secara otomatis tempat pembuangan sampah di letakkan sebelah kursi kita (aq dan lia) beuh....mantabh,,,,bayangin di sebelah kamu ada sampah penuh muntah orang,,,,grossssssss!!!!!!! Ini terjadi karena jalanan Nagrek yang extrim belok2nya....
Alhamdulillah kita nyampe tempat tujuan jam 4 pagi. Tapi di beri waktu sampai jam setengah 7 untuk siap2. Jadi pagi2 kita uda mandi, tadinya aq kira bakal kedinginan, tapi ternyata nggak,airnya ga dingin2 amat,udara di jakarta juga ga sedingin jogja.
But as usual,,,ngaret,,,,jam setengah 8 baru berangkat menuju Deplu (my future office,,,amiiiiin). Di sana kita di beri informasi tentang banyak hal yang terjadi di dalam Deplu itu sendiri. Setelah ceramah selesai,,,kami foto2...wikikikikik....

katanya si ini di dalam salah satu ruangan yang terpenting dalam DEPLU...

Selesai dari deplu kita menuju ke ANCOL......jarak antara bis dan pintu masuk jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh banget,skitar 2 kilo lebih,

foto di dekat pintu masuk dufan,,,

wahana pertama yang kita tumpangi...

ummmmm ni dmn ya???lupa pokoknya di depan panggung gtu d...

mengantri di depan wahana (apa ya namanya lupa pokoknya yang 3 dimensi itu lho....yang di dalem kita di suruh du2k di kursi bergoyang sambil liat film). Walopun antrian panjang,kita tetap nekat masuk wahana ini.

western style....

foto di depan rumah miring bsama anak2 D3 n S1 ( critanya uda mule capek ni pas foto ini di ambil,kita da naik berbagai macam wahana n jalan sana sini, jadi maklum kalo muka uda kucel smw)

walopun kucel tapi tetap narsist

basah2 bis naik wahana terakhir

walaupun energy sudah abis tapi tetap narsist...
Nyampe di bis kita semua tidur kecapekan, dan karena semua kecapekan n tidur, tidak ad orang yang muntah2....pejalanan yang damai.....
Hari berikutnya kami ke trans tivi,metro tivi ke mangga 2 dan balik lagi ke trans tivi unutk mengikuti acara bukan 4 mata dan harap maklum jika kita2 kliatan kucel pas di shooting di bukan 4 mata,mandinya skali doank pas di wisma di pagi hari.hohohoho....
Perjalanan balik smw anak kecapekan,jadi tidurnya nyenyak d....


hohohohoho,,,,sekarang lagi musim fesbuk,tadinya si ga niat ngurusin gitu2an, orang puny FS ajj g pernah di urus, tapi abis tau game2 mini yang ada di fesbuk,,,,wohohohoho ketagihan euy, pa lagi game2 kayak pet society,my farm,word challenge dll....slaen itu lebih seru ajj, fesbuk lebih mendunia daripada FS, dari sinilah quw bertemu dengan teman2 lama quw dulu waktu masi SD n SMP,,,teman2 yang berada nun jauh disana, di negri Kangguru,,,huwaaaa miss them so much...

Monday, January 5, 2009


Cockroach is a kind of insect which is useless and you would probably kill them when you find them in your room. Well once upon a time crawled a baby cockroach ( don't realy know whether it's a baby cockroach or just a little kind of cockroach) into my room. Lucky for it, at that time i didn't feel like killing it instantly, so what i did was  covered the cockroach with a plastic glass instead. I really thought that it would be dead within a few hours, it didn't. it's not even dead now, and that's like 3 weeks passed. just imagine a month without no food and no drink and no air and it's still

then this morning when i woke up, i got the idea to google around on cockroaches, and this is what i've found...

The favourite food of the cockroach is actually the glue on envelopes, the glue bindings at the backs of books and the glue on the back of postage stamps.

A cockroach can hold it's breath for up to 40 minutes.

Some female cockroaches mate once and are pregnant for the rest of their lives

Cockroaches rest for approximately 75% of each day.

Young cockroaches only need a crack about 0.5mm wide to crawl into your house. Adult males can squeeze into a space of 1.6mm.

Cockroach can live for up to a month, without its head.

Most species come from tropical countries and therefore need to be kept at a minimum of 25 degrees centigrade to survive.

The world's largest roach (in South America) is six inches long with a one-foot wingspan.

Male cockroaches transfer sperm to females in a package called a spermatophore. Some males cover the package in a protein-rich wrapping that the female can eat to obtain nutrients to raise her young. 

Female cockroaches however prefer their males at the bottom of the social pecking order while the dominant males try and stop them from having their way. But when females do mate with low-ranking cockroaches, they produce fewer sons in an effort to avoid passing on his lower level genes.

Cockroaches can run up to 3km/hr (0.8 m/s).

There are estimated to be 4,000 - 5,000 species of cockroaches in the world. Of these, only 25 to 30 are considered pests. The rest remain a part of the Earth's fauna, such as the Giant Burrowing Cockroach which are clean, slow moving, and are sometimes kept as pets. 

The German Cockroach - In Germany it is sometimes called "Die russische Schabe" or "The Russian Roach". In Russia it is called the Polish Roach. In America it was called the Crotton Bug because it came to NY about the time the Crotton Aqueduct was built.

The American Cockroach is thought to have originated in North Africa The most likely scenario is that it reached the Americas during the early slave trade.
I've also heard that they are sometimes called "water bugs" in the U.S. although I have no idea why. Mind you, the word cockroach as a name isn't exactly apparent either.

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is a large, wingless cockroach from Madagascar. Males ram into each other with their horns and/or they push each other with their abdomens. Larger males usually win. 
The winners of these encounters usually hiss more than the losers. The hisses of males also contain information about the size of the male hissing and may be used to assess the opponent's size. 

Ever wondered what the supposed purpose of having cockroaches on the planet at all is? Well try this handy example of a coackroaches supposed usefulness:
Crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to help relieve the pain.

Scientifically speaking cockroaches are known as Blattodea, but personally I'd like to see them all Flattodea!